Beautiful fall weather with more reds and oranges than we usually see. I was attracted by the brilliantly lit aspen trees against the nearly black hillside of fir trees. I really like the results, not overworked. I think because I'd told myself this was a study I approached it in a more relaxed way. I was reminded that to truely see the light you have to squint. In the case of these trees, squinting allowed me to see that most of the tree area was a dark middle value with just the edges lit. Without the squint, my mind told me the whole tree was lighter and would have resulted in much less contrast and hence not dramatic.
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Jennifer, I like this very much. The light reads so well. The colors are amazing. It makes me want to design a room or an outfit after that scheme.
Thanks, Dar. I'm glad you like the vibrancy of this study. I couldn't have created a more contrast and color than Mother Nature did that day. Thanks for visiting my art blog!
This is beautiful. Not only have you caught the light but movement too. I can almost hear the wind rustling the leaves. Love it.
Thanks, Karen. The first painting of the day I did was a large view of the Boulder Mts. As I was putting that wet panel in my box I turned 180 degrees and faced this view of aspens against the dark forested hillside. For me, it was a thrilling view and a good reminder that I am usually more attracted to the simple views...not the panoramic views. Must remember that.
Nice and peaceful. Good point about the squinting.
Thanks, Frank. Yes, squinting..gives artists a good reason to have such well developed crows feet!
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