Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lemons & Blue Knife

" Lemons & Blue Knife "
I did some shopping at Costco last week and always buy the large bag of lemons. Nice shapes and colors. It seems so many of the Sunkist lemons in our local store have thick skins that I find unattractive for painting. I haven't painted 6x6's in awhile so decided to use my favorite dish towel and lemons, as they, too are a favorite subject. I liked the contrast of soft fabric folds with the straight, verticle knife.
Available, click here


eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Love the primary colors - yellow - red - blue! and the shadow shapes in the towel.

Jennifer Bellinger said...

Thanks, E. I love getting the light on the set-up so the shadow shapes are interesting. So many things to think about..painting is so mental!