Copyright J.Bellinger 2010
This handsome sheep was in a pen with hundreds of others; we stopped on our way back from the Flat Top Sheep Ranch BBQ in June. As I slowly walked up to the pen to take photos, didn't want to spook them, it dawned on me that there could be a Great Pyrenee guard dog or two so I stopped about 15 from the pen. I heard a low growl...scampered right back to the car! He was lying next to the fencing about 10 feet where I was.
This painting will be on exhibit for the 2010 Trailing of the Sheep Festival
definitely worth a click by anyone for the larger view. love it jennifer... brushstrokes are fabulous and the coloring, spectacular. :] nice to see you posting again.
Thanks, Christine. It has been a busy summer, not much posting on the old blog...should be more coming along now. I have a big show in January to work towards..always a good motivation.
I was so happy to see the thumbnail of your sheep this morning! Had to click and look up close. Beautiful painting...it's detailed but still loose. Love the colors in the fleece, the transparency of the ear. Very nice!
I also googled Flat Top Sheep Ranch and found this article:http://www.rangemagazine.com/archives/stories/spring03/optimist.htm The Festival link makes me want to come to Idaho, but we can't this year. Maybe next year.
Thanks, Virginia. It is a beautiful time here in Idaho. I like how regal this sheep looks, makes her stand out from the crowd!
this is stunning!!
How lucky that the parade goes right by your house!
Thanks, Mary. I have learned that sheep have a horizontal pupils, as a cat has a vertical. Must have to do with seeing predators!
Three well deserved "WOWS" for your three sheep paintings!
Artist Tip #24 is a great one. I really love painting this way. But I have to constantly remind myself...or I slip back into over detailing and being stingy with paint.
Thanks, Dean. Yes, paint is worthless in the tube..need to put plenty on your palette, load that brush!
Jennifer, I didn't know that about sheep but goats have horizontal pupils too. It's the oddest thing to look into their eyes.
Yes, Mary..it's like they are looking through you. My guess is that it gives them a wide angle view of predators on the horizon!
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