Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Corgi dog portrait, Leonard Wolfe, Art tip #4

Private Collection
Buckie runs my friends Melinda & Dicks ranch. As I was speaking with Melinda yesterday I could hear Buckie next to her, vying for attention, much like a two year old does when mom gets on the phone. Anyway, I thought I would post this today and hopefully bring a smile to Melinda's face when she opens her email.
My thoughts are too scattered today to post a tip but I promise to do so tomorrow. I've been resizing digital images to post on my new web site. My computer crashed a couple of weeks ago and my computer man installed Picasa. I finally found the cd for the program I am used to..thank God. I don't have to learn a new way!
I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes:
"You can't edit a blank page" by Leonard Wolfe. I post this on my big easel.

Visit my art blog friend, Mary Sheehan Winn to see a super fun YouTube video she posted today.


Mary Sheehan Winn said...

well, to say I'm surprised is an understatement! When I read your title I thought, OMG we BOTH posted about Weird Al ON THE SAME DAY?
Well, I appreciate that you thought it funny enough to share with your readers. I laughed myself silly, sent it to my family and friends and made my husband watch the whole thing!
Let me say that the corgi painting is right on. I can feel his soul.
Thanks for the laugh :D

Jennifer Bellinger said...

Yes, I love eBay and this tickled my funny bone. I have found some wonderful dishes, bowls, etc. to use in my still lifes. That's where I got the neat little Pieman bowl that I painted my latest cherries in.

Michael said...

Hello Jennifer, Thank you very much for praise, hope we can work together! zhao jinxing

Jennifer Bellinger said...

Thanks for visiting Zhao. I sent you an email.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I cannot get that song out of my head ;)

Jennifer Bellinger said...

After I saw Mamma Mia I had Abba playing in my head for months! It got so that I would be talking, reading..whatever and there in the background..Abba. Guess I won't be watching that movie again.

Gwen Bell said...

The expression on this little dogs face is priceless! He seems to have his entire world under control. You have captured that Corgi Confidence beautifully!

Jennifer Bellinger said...

Thanks, Gwen. You must know this breed well! They are like little generals. My friend had a trainer teach her Corgi (the one in this painting) to go ring the bell hanging on the bell to be let out. Her Corgi then proceeded to teach her other 5 dogs to ring the bell. The bell began ringing almost constantly!